About Group 2
About Group 2
San Francisco Bay Group 2, is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, a Group of the California Wing of Civil Air Patrol. We are the Headquarters unit for ten squadrons in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Our squadrons consist of both senior members 18 years of age and older and cadet members between 12 and 21 years of age. There are three types of Squadrons, Senior, Composite, and Cadet, that contribute to all three of the core Civil Air Patrol programs: Aerospace Education, the Cadet Program, and Emergency Services. To learn more about our programs please click on the links above.
As a background on our echelons, a senior squadron is open only to senior (adult) members. A cadet squadron is primarily for cadet members, but it must have at least three senior members. A composite squadron is one that is made up of both senior and cadet members. A flight is a smaller version of a squadron and may have its own charter or be part of a squadron. A group oversees and supports several squadrons in a given area. A wing is a state, commonwealth or district headquarters. There is a wing in each of the 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. CAP’s eight regions are made up of several wings or states.
More information is available in the short slideshow by Lt Collins titled "The best-kept secret in volunteering" available on the right-side menu.