Bay Area Squadrons
SENIOR (Adults)
Senior squadrons only have an adult program for senior members 18 years of age and older. Cadets are not accepted into senior squadrons.
More information about Senior Squadrons is located here.
CADET (Youth and Adults)
Cadet squadrons only have a youth program for cadets. There are senior members in this program, but their purpose is to manage the youth program. Adults join if their primary interest is working with the cadets. More information about Cadet Squadrons is located here.
Composite squadrons have both a Senior and a Cadet program.
Name: Jon E. Kramer Composite Sqdn 10 |
Name: Santa Cruz Composite Sqdn 13 |
Name: East Bay Cadet Sqdn 18 |
Name: Jason M. Dahl Cadet Sqdn 36 |
Name: Diablo Composite Sqdn 44 |
Name: San Jose Senior Sqdn 80 |
Name: San Francisco Cadet Sqdn 86 |
Name: Tri-Valley Composite Sqdn 156 |
Name: Amelia Earhart Senior Sqdn 188 |
Name: West Bay Composite Sqdn 192 |