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This page provides resources for new and existing aircrew alike.
Group 2 currently has two C182T Nav III G1000s: N445CP in RHV, and N183CP in OAK. One C182R (N6183E) in CCR that is also a glider tow plane. A C172S Nav III G1000 NXi is located at LVK.
- CAPF 70-5 preparation guide: CAPF 70-5 candidate preparation guide
- F91 candidate guide: F91 candidate guide
- New! CAP C-182T (Unofficial) Intro Guide, published Jan 2024
- C-182T flight and group 2 airports guide: Group 2 C182T and airports guide
- Pre-flight emergency procedures crew briefing: download link
- C-182T takeoff and landing (TOLD) chart: PRMA - PCR Tools
- Cessna 182T Hot Weather POH Supplement (issued 2023) C-182T Supplement 19
- Cessna T182T Hot Weather POH Supplement (issued 2023) C-T182T Supplement 16
- Cessna 206H Hot Weather POH Supplement (issued 2023) C-206H Supplement 20
- Cessna T206H Hot Weather POH Supplement (issued 2023) C-T206H Supplement 22
- A 1978 Cessna U206G generic POH (unofficial – use as advisory only): download link
- A 2007 C172S POH (for a different serial number airplane): download link
- A C-182T Nav3 POH (for a different serial number airplane): download link
- A 1984 C-182R POH (for a different serial number airplane): download link
- A highlighted copy of the first version of 70-1 (December 2017) showing changes compared to 60-1: 70-1_changes
- NHQ DOV page to find latest regulations, mostly 70-1 and 52-7 for orientation pilots, as well as flying-related forms: link
- Find NHQ-approved checklists for our aircraft (Requires login to eServices): link
- Find an instructor or check pilot (Requires login to PCR Mobile Tools): link
- CAP Grid KML files -- import grid corner waypoints into ForeFlight: link to Teams folder (courtesy Lt Ilia Shabalin)
Become a CAP Pilot
San Francisco Bay Group 2, Civil Air Patrol, created this nine-part video and PowerPoint slide series to assist new CAP Pilots in preparing for their initial CAP Flight Evaluation.
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 1 - Overview
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 2 - eServices
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 3 - Aircraft Limitations
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 4 - G1000 & GFC700
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 5 - Mishap Reporting & Flight Practice
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 6 - Aircraft Systems
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 7 - Normal & Emergency Checklists
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 8 - Aircraft Performance and W&B
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 9 - Review
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here
G1000 VFR and IFR CAP Training
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) G1000 VFR ground school on Group 2's YouTube.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP) G1000 IFR ground school on Group 2's YouTube.
Note that according to the CAP STANDARD 71-1 - Aircrew Training, Airplane, attendance at instructor-led training is required. CAPD 71-1, page 32. "Use of the additional self-paced content and references provided is optional. Independent completion of the ground training content provided in AXIS will not satisfy the requirement for ground instruction. Attendance at instructor-led training is required."CAP Pilot Add-on Training
- Emergency procedures flight clinic: Video on Group 2's YouTube, Ground Session Slides, Syllabus
- Preparing for the new CAPF 70-5: slides, recording
- How to become a CAP pilot: slides, recording
- Transition to high-performance planes: recording
Various References for Executing Visual Search Patterns
- Some guides here: https://savannah.cap.gov/resources/g1000
- Some better info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbrqCyJBDA
- Route search: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSZ0mbRN39c
- Page 5 OBS for Creeping, rest complex except Route Page 8: https://nesa.cap.gov/media/cms/G1000_Universal_Kneeboard_2016_E995_D6A07E639B158.pdf
- Good ForeFlight info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH_tNKjesJo
Past presentations
- Cessna 206 flight clinic ground training: slides, recording
- Winter flying and weather: recording
- Normalization of deviation: slides, recording
- Post maintenance test flight (June 2018): Post maintenance test flight
- FAASTeam emergency procedures training (March 2018): emergency procedures
- Updates of 70-1 compared to 60-1 (December 2017): 70-1 important changes
- Airworthiness and inoperative equipment: inop equipment
- Class B airspace presentation: Class B safety presentation
- Group 2 2019 safety down day
Training material
- G1000:
- CAP AXIS LMS Portal G1000 Training (Login to eServices, select AXIS, then G1000 VFR, G1000 IFR, NXi Transition, IP, Refresher Ground Training: link
- Training slides from Garmin: download link
- G1000: Pilot's reference guide: Pilot's reference Guide, Cockpit reference guide
- Garmin’s G1000 PC trainer (Older version 12 – may be out of date): link, version 20.X from Garmin: link
- G1000 NXi: Cockpit reference guide, pilot’s guide, airplane flight manual supplement, supplemental maintenance manual
- G1000 C172 Electrical System Training Page (University of North Dakota)
- GTN 650/750:
- CAP AXIS LMS Portal GTN 650/750 Training (Login to eServices, select AXIS, then Garmin GTN 650-750: link
- Pilot’s guide: download link
- Cockpit reference manual: download link
- Simulator: link
- iPad version: link
- GTX 335/345 ADS-B transponder Pilots Guide: download link
- Supplemental flight manual: download link
- High performance airplanes checkout (Mentone Flying Club): download link
- Transition to complex airplanes (PHAK Chapter 11 - Information on transition to high performance airplanes): download link
- An introduction to constant-speed propellers (Boldmethod): link
- Introductory guide to the CAP radios found in our newer aircraft (TDFM-136): download link and
- GX-55 GPS simulator: link
- Safeflight angle of attack (AOA) indicator: Quick Reference Guide, Training Video, Manual
Turbo Training
- CAWG Turbo Training Syllabus: download link
- CAWG Turbo Training Questionnaire: download link
- CAWG Turbo Training Cessna Powerpoint: download link
- CAWG Turbo FAASTeam and additional material: download link
ForeFlight Training
- Presented by Airline pilot and aviation lecturer Capt Brian Schiff: https://www.captainschiff.com/foreflight