San Francisco Bay Group 2
Main Content

Standardization & Evaluation

Standardization & Evaluations (DOV)

Welcome to the DOV page

 Winter Flying Resources, click Here

This page provides resources for new and existing aircrew alike.

Group 2 currently has two C182T Nav III G1000s: N445CP in RHV, and N183CP in OAK. One C182R (N6183E) in CCR that is also a glider tow plane. A C172S Nav III G1000 NXi is located at LVK.

Become a CAP Pilot

San Francisco Bay Group 2, Civil Air Patrol, created this nine-part video and PowerPoint slide series to assist new CAP Pilots in preparing for their initial CAP Flight Evaluation.

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 1 - Overview
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 2 - eServices
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 3 - Aircraft Limitations
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 4 - G1000 & GFC700
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 5 - Mishap Reporting & Flight Practice
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 6 - Aircraft Systems
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 7 - Normal & Emergency Checklists
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 8 - Aircraft Performance and W&B
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

Becoming a CAP Pilot - CAPF 70-5A - Module 9 - Review
Video on Group 2's YouTube, Powerpoint here

G1000 VFR and IFR CAP Training

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) G1000 VFR ground school on Group 2's YouTube.

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) G1000 IFR ground school on Group 2's YouTube.

Note that according to the CAP STANDARD 71-1 - Aircrew Training, Airplane, attendance at instructor-led training is required. CAPD 71-1, page 32. "Use of the additional self-paced content and references provided is optional. Independent completion of the ground training content provided in AXIS will not satisfy the requirement for ground instruction. Attendance at instructor-led training is required."

CAP Pilot Add-on Training

Note that the below recordings require a CAWG Office 365 login (for now).

Various References for Executing Visual Search Patterns

Past presentations

Training material

Turbo Training

ForeFlight Training

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